Hi everybody! As some of you know, I am a moderator for the community here at Nanny Lane and I’m always interested in hearing what you all have to say.
I am making this post to ask all of you parents to help contribute to the continuous improvement of Nanny Lane as a site by taking some time out of your busy days to respond to a quick survey that I put together. It’s completely anonymous and your responses will help the team at Nanny Lane improve the site to better assist you find great nannies!
The survey can be completed here: https://nannylane.typeform.com/to/HnIbmP
Looking for nanny job for two months wondering if the profiles are real. I applied to all of them that’s hundreds
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to post in the community 
I can assure you, as a moderator, that the families listed on Nanny Lane are real. Once you message them, they will receive a notification letting them know that they received a message and then from there, the ball is in the family’s court.
We’re always looking for new ways to help ease the job search process and so we do encourage you to go through the survey, only if you want to of course, and provide us with any feedback you may have!
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