General Rules:
Do not insult, personally attack, or put down other people even if you disagree with them. These forums are meant to help, not harm
Hate speech is prohibited. This means racist, sexist, homophobic, and any discriminatory speech will be removed.
Please refrain from the use of excessive foul language.
For security purposes, the exchange of personal information is prohibited.
Ultimately, be kind to one another and treat each other with respect.
Posting Rules:
Do NOT advertise your profile on the forums. If you have any questions that relate to the use of your profile, please feel free to check out the Support section.
No external links allowed.
When posting, please ensure that your post is in the appropriate section and is contributing to the discussion. This will ensure that all posts are helpful and easy to find!
Do your best to search for related topics to ensure that the same topics are not repeated.
Tech support or account-related support should be kept within the Support topic.
Rants are not allowed. If your post is negatively hyperbolic or otherwise inflammatory in nature, it may be removed.